Consulting Services

Contact Me

I Can Help Your Business Increase Sales

The purpose of any business is to drive value back to its shareholders. The only way to create value is to sell your product and services to customers. I can help you with that.

Work with me, and I will help spot the opportunities in your customer experience to help you increase your sales.

Rates: $150/hour, plus actual expenses.*

*For Larger projects, I will offer project pricing.

Below are some of the services I offer. Use the Contact Me button to get in touch and request a quote.

Services that Increase Sales

These are not Figma or entry-level artifacts but world-class, business-centric artifacts that will help your business gain an advantage over your competitors.

  • Journey mapping: I can research and build buyers, sales, omnichannel, and user journey maps showing where to invest money to increase your sales.
  • Voice of Customer program: I can help your business create a VoC program that will streamline all the feedback

Services that Speed Up Product Development

I'm an expert in running workshops that benefit your organization and your product. In four to five sessions, I will have your team ready to execute their roadmap.

  • Workshops: I can facilitate user story mapping, use case ideation, and sprint design sessions. I help generate superior user requirements that translate into a product users want to use.

Services that Make Your Team Efficient

I've scaled product teams from 1 to 16 and led product operations for large product portfolios. At this point, I've seen it all and would be happy to review your ops process.

  • Product operations: I can review your product operations process and advise your team on steps to accelerate your organization's/team's progress and deliver features ahead of scheduled milestones.

You can also reach out to me on X or LinkedIn.