Opportunity - Value Statement Card Template

Opportunity - Value Statement Card Template


Building a backlog of opportunities is one of the most important tasks a product designer can undertake. It is of vital importance that the product designer map all opportunities and write them up in a methodical template that can be used throughout an entire business organization. (This does not mean endless customer research, but a bias for action)

The business organization that has an opportunity backlog has positioned itself to eventually beat the competition. An opportunity backlog is like a manufacturing line, serving up one opportunity after another. It allows you to out-prototype and test the building of new products faster than your competition.

Opportunity - Value Statement

Opportunity - Value Statement Card

An opportunity value statement card is a template that captures one or more opportunities to improve an area of a customer or user journey. I would encourage you to use an LLM to populate this template and create your opportunity backlog.

Stage Research
How might we add description
Business value add description
Customer value add description
Marketing value add description
AI value add description
Possible financial impact add description


Here is an example of a completed written opportunity-value statement card. Teams within organizations operate vertically, but opportunities exist horizontally across a customer journey. That's why different team members contribute to writing up a value statement.

The Book: Orchestrating Experiences

This book Orchestrating Experiences describes many service design methods including how to use the value-statement opportunity card.

Get in touch

Thank you for visiting my case study. Please contact me if you want to discuss any of my case studies and see an opportunity to work together.

Written by Leo Vroegindewey, Principal Product Designer.

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