Ten Customer Experience (CX) Research Methods

Ten Customer Experience (CX) Research Methods - The Triangle Offense

Listed are ten of the most common CX research methods used to gather and analyze customer data.

1: Customer Satisfaction Surveys

A structured questionnaire asks customers to rate their satisfaction with a product or service.

Example: Customers are sent a survey asking them to rate their overall satisfaction with a recent purchase on a scale of 1-5.

2: Net Promoter Score (NPS) Tracking

Customers are asked to rate their likelihood of recommending a company or product to others on a scale of 0-10.

Example: "On a scale of 0-10, how likely are you to recommend our brand to a friend or colleague?"

3: Customer Interviews

A one-on-one interview with customers to understand their experiences, preferences, and opinions about a company or its products/services.

Example: "What made you choose our brand over others?"

  • Here is an example of how I wrote customer interview questions for a large research project.

4: Customer Feedback

Companies provide various channels for customers to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences with their products or services.

Example: A company creates a dedicated email address or online form for customers to submit feedback or complaints.

5: Social Media Monitoring

Companies track and analyze customer comments, mentions, and reviews on social media platforms to gain insights into their experiences and opinions.

Example: A company uses a social listening tool on X (Twitter) to monitor customer sentiment about its brand.

6: Sentiment Analysis

You analyze customer feedback, reviews, or social media posts to assess their overall sentiment (positive, negative, or neutral) toward a company or product.

Example: A company uses natural language processing software to analyze customer reviews and identify trends in sentiment.

7: Churn Analysis

You would examine why customers stop using a product or service to identify patterns and inform retention strategies.

Example: A company analyzes customer churn data to determine if customers are more likely to leave after a specific event or milestone.

8: Customer Segmentation

You are grouping customers based on shared characteristics (e.g., demographics, behaviors, preferences) to inform targeted marketing and sales strategies.

Example: A company segments its customer base into different groups based on age, income, and location.

9: Customer Journey Mapping

Creating a visual representation of customers' different stages when interacting with a company or product. (Read the ultimate guide on journey mapping here)

Example: A company maps out the customer journey from awareness to purchase and beyond, highlighting key touchpoints and potential pain points.

  • Check out of this case study how I built a sales journey map of B2B customers.

10: Voice of the Customer (VoC) Program

Companies collect, analyze, and act on customer feedback to drive improvements in their products, services, and overall customer experience.

Example: A company creates a VoC program with regular customer surveys, feedback analysis, and cross-functional action plans.

  • Check out this case study on how I created a VoC program at Lowe's.

Written by Leo Vroegindewey, B2B CX Consultant

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